Matthew W. Cotton

Mathematical Institute. University of Oxford.


I am a DPhil candidate interested in the organisation and control of living systems.

Currently, my research focuses on theoretical modelling of biological membranes and I am supervised by Prof Alain Goriely and Prof Ramin Golestanian. I am also grateful to be part of the Interdisciplinary Biosciences DTP and the Department for Living Matter Physics at MPI-DS, Göttingen.

Some more information and external links are below and you can follow me on Twitter @matthewwcotton for updates. Please email me (cotton [at] maths [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk) to get in touch.

some projects

Our project investigating a new catalytic driven mechanism for phase separation is out now in Physical Review Letters. The press release explains what it’s all about.
I took part in the departmental 3 minute thesis competition and spoke about proteins that can bind and bend biological membranes. Recordings of the participants can be found here.